Texans on Mission Israel training trips help volunteers connect with the culture of the country, gain the knowledge needed to serve there after disasters and offer an opportunity to experience Old Jerusalem, walking the streets Jesus once walked.

TXM Israel Disaster Training Trip
Dec. 6-14, 2025
Cost: $3,500

Here's what a typical trip looks like:

  • Teams of about 10 volunteers will go on nine-day trips.
  • You'll stay in a dorm room-style setting with as many as four people to a room.
  • This is a work trip where you'll prepare a large number of meals such as hamburgers and falafel. Most days, TXM volunteers work in the hot sun over ovens and skillets. There is extensive walking, standing and moving around. Volunteers must be in good physical condition.
  • The team will tour Old Jerusalem with a world-renowned tour guide. Walk the streets Jesus walked.
  • Total Cost (including travel from Dallas-Fort Worth, housing and meals): $3,500.

These trips are extremely strenuous physically. Age is not an automatic disqualifier, but physical ability is. The following questions will help you decide if this opportunity is right for you:

  • Can you stand without the need to sit or rest for 30 minutes outside in the summer heat under a canopy?
  • Can you walk through an airport at a brisk pace with your luggage for 20 minutes?
  • Can you easily climb up and down two flights of stairs?
  • Can you lift multiple 5-pound boxes from the floor to a table?
  • Do you take any medication that requires refrigeration?

If you answered no to any of the questions above, this may not be the trip for you.

Here are some other considerations:

  • Do you currently use a walking cane or any other type of mobility assistance?
  • Have you had any type of illness, surgery, treatment, or therapy from which you have not fully recovered?
  • If you have a heart condition, diabetes, or other health condition, is your doctor confident in giving you clearance to travel and participate in this physical activity?
  • Do you have at least six months from the date of the trip remaining on your passport?

Would you like to serve in Israel? Apply now: