Share your faith and meet human needs through TBM International Relief

TBM is uniquely experienced and equipped to respond to physical and spiritual needs around the world because of our decades of work closer to home. Why do we work internationally?

We are called. Jesus told his disciples: “... you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8 NIV). When we respond to international need, we carry out Jesus' calling to reach the ends of the earth in His name.

We are prepared. Our experience and expertise providing disaster relief in the United States translates well into helping others in many countries. We can help, so we should help.

We stepped up when …


Latest news about International Relief projects:

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TBM helps medical personnel serve in Israel

TBM: Texans on Mission has provided $150,000 to transport medical professionals from the United States to help treat people affected by the... read more

Baptist Standard: TBM preparing meals for displaced people in Israel

Specially trained TBM disaster relief volunteers are at a secure site in Israel, preparing about 2,000 meals a day for civilians displaced... read more

TBM deploys specialized feeding team to meet needs in the midst of war in Israel

Trained TBM volunteers headed to Israel Sunday after the nation erupted into warfare Saturday. The volunteers will provide meals to... read more

TBM volunteers overcome obstacles to design, build church structure in Turkey

Flexibility is often a watchword for international missions teams, and a TBM Rebuild team working in earthquake-devastated Turkey put that... read more

iHeart airs TBM interview through DFW radio stations

iHeart Media aired a 29-minute interview with TBM's Rand Jenkins for its recent Sunday Morning Magazine show, which aired on iHeart's six... read more

TBM-supported relief effort continues in India

On Friday, India witnessed one of the worst train crashes it has ever seen. ... read more
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