Texans on Mission Disaster Relief assessors surveyed damage west of downtown Houston today, and the TXM Kingsland Baptist Church chainsaw team from Katy will begin removing downed trees Saturday morning. Also, the state mass feeding unit is expected to head to Houston.

As we all know, the damage in and around Houston is extensive. One Texans on Mission employee at the scene in the Spring Branch neighborhood said you can "drive miles and miles without a single stoplight working – not blinking, no light at all." Power is out to countless residences and businesses.

Three TXM Disaster Relief trucks leave Dallas Saturday for Houston, and three other TXM units now in Conroe are relocating to Houston – laundry, command center and electronics. 

With such massive damage, TXM Disaster Relief assessors identify specific homes that need help dealing with the devastation. The Kingsland Church team already has six work orders, one of which they will work on Saturday. It’s shown here in the photo above of two trees on top of four cars.

Our volunteers are on standby for a deployment that could last a few weeks, while this disaster is on the heels of several more storm and flood-related deployments. Please pray for our volunteers. Pray that God will give them strength for the work and loving hearts for the people they encounter.

Also, pray for the people affected by this storm and the others around Texas – more than one million people.