RA & Challengers Leadership Training Camp allows Christ to shape and sharpen men for His kingdom’s work. 

Royal Ambassador & Challengers Leadership Training Camp is a structured wilderness camp to increase the knowledge and skills of men and young men under the leadership of Christ. LTC teaches basic, intermediate and advanced levels of campcraft and activity skills in order to live outdoors safely and comfortably.

LTC is for young men who have completed the 7th grade and adult male leaders of Royal Ambassadors and Challengers groups. 

RA & Challengers Leadership Training Camp
Monday, May 26 - Saturday, June 1
Camp Menard

Registration Cost

All Training Levels

For Challengers, Frontiersman, Outdoorsman, Voyager, Basic Instructor and Advanced Instructor.

  • $125 – Pre-registration
  • $175 – after May 15, including on site
  • $100 – for resource campers


For those who attend for State Staffer training.

  • $125 - Associational Staffers
  • Covered - State Staffers, if application is approved

State Staffers are covered because of gifts through the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions.

Unit Leaders are covered.

Online registration is strongly encouraged. State Staffer trainees do not have to send a check but you must send the completed form to the Texans on Mission (TBM) office before May 15. For additional information, click here to contact Savion Lee.

Medical Form

Download and bring a medical form with you.
Submit online or download a copy.
All attendees must have one filled out.


A Preview of the Week

Unit Descriptions

Campcraft has an advancement track for adults. Each level builds on the foundations of previous, and each level has a goal to help you teach and lead in your next outdoor activity. Below are some short descriptions of the levels.



Introduces a youth, grades 7th-12th, to basic camping skills to increase their personal knowledge, abilities and comfort level with experiences in outdoor living. It operates from one base camp for duration of event.

Prerequisite: none


Introduces an adult to basic camping skills to increase their personal knowledge, abilities and comfort level with experiences in outdoor living. It operates from one base camp for duration of event.

Texans on Mission Adult Campcraft prerequisite: none


Introduces an adult to intermediate camping skills to increase their personal knowledge, abilities and comfort level with experiences in outdoor living. It uses backpacking skills to move among multiple sites.

Texans on Mission Adult Campcraft prerequisite: Frontiersman


Introduces an adult to advanced camping skills to increase their personal knowledge, abilities and comfort level with experiences in outdoor living. It uses multiple modes of travel to move nightly among various destinations.

Texans on Mission Adult Campcraft prerequisite: Outdoorsman


Basic Instructor

Introduces an adult leader to the knowledge and abilities of teaching skills to other adults in the Frontiersman level of the adult campcraft program. It includes orientation and skills demonstration.

Texans on Mission Adult Campcraft prerequisite: Frontiersman

Advanced Instructor

Introduces an adult leader to the knowledge and abilities of teaching skills to other adults in the Frontiersman, Outdoorsman and Voyager levels of the adult campcraft program. It includes orientation and skills demonstration.

Texans on Mission Adult Campcraft prerequisite: Voyager, Basic Instructor

Trip Leader Assistant

Introduces an adult leader to the knowledge and abilities of camping skills with an emphasis upon leading other participants safely in an extended (Voyager) trip camping experience. Each candidate assists in planning and leading the experience.

Texans on Mission Adult Campcraft prerequisite: Advanced Instructor

Trip Leader

Provides additional instruction to an adult leader with an emphasis upon leading other participants safely into an extended (Voyager) trip camping experience. Each candidate is the primary leader on the experience and is evaluated by a Texans on Mission Trip Leader Instructor.

Texans on Mission Adult Campcraft prerequisite: Trip Leader Assistant

Info Packets

Medical & Risk Release Forms

All attendees must complete and submit the appropriate release form before or at check-in. Send it to Savion.Lee@TexansOnMission.org or mail it to our office at 5351 Catron Drive, Dallas TX 75227.

Sample Schedule
530   Wake Up Wake Up
600   Breakfast  
630 @ Central
700 Breakfast for Early Arrivals Flag Raising
730 Christian Life Time Flag Raising
800   Elective 1 Unit Teardown
@ 800
1000   Break Awards
@ 1000
1030   Elective 2
   Arrivals & Check-in
@ 1200
1230 Lunch Lunch Go Home
1330 Unit Setup Unit Time  
1530 Unit Time Unit Time  
1730 Supper & Prep Supper & Prep  
1830 Unit Time Unit Time  
2030 🔥 Campfire 🔥 Campfire Sunset @ 2039 Dark @ 2100
2300 Lights Out Lights Out